UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

10 January 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Safer Internet Day 2020 resources for Educators

For Safer Internet Day 2020, we have created a range of educational resources which are designed for educators working with young people…

9 January 2020 Andy Robinson

IWF sees record number of reports of online child sexual abuse material in 2019

The UK’s Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, says a heavy dose of reality…

7 January 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Childnet Film Competition launched to celebrate Safer Internet Day

The 11th annual Childnet Film Competition is open to all schools and youth organisations across the UK.

16 December 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Staying safe online this Christmas

To help you over the holidays, we’ve set out a few top tips to help keep your household safe online.

13 December 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Safer Internet Day 2020 Educational resources for 14-18-Year Olds

The resources for use with 14-18-year olds explores the theme of online identity and specifically how our identity is viewed online and…

12 December 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

Landmark data sharing agreement to help safeguard victims of sexual abuse imagery

The UK’s Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, and the USA’s National Center for…

11 December 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Things to share on social media

Why not share these messages with your followers and friends on social media to help us to promote #SaferInternetDay:

6 December 2019 UK SIC

This is why we launched Report Harmful Content

Report Harmful Content officially launched on Tuesday 3 December. These stories and statistics show exactly why the service is so…

5 December 2019 UK SIC

Safer Internet Day 2020 Educational resources for 11-14-Year Olds

For Safer Internet Day 2020, we have created a range of educational resources which are designed for educators to deliver…

28 November 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Safer Internet Day 2020 Educational resources for 7-11 Year Olds

For Safer Internet Day 2020, we have created a range of educational resources which are designed for educators to deliver with young…