UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

10 May 2019 Helen Cole

SELMA: Promoting tolerance and empathy online

Online hate speech is a growing problem, with abusive comments from peers one of the key causes of upset online for…

7 May 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Setting up parental controls on Netflix

In this blog we look at what parental controls are available on Netflix and how you can work with your…

3 May 2019 Helen Cole

Barefoot – Computing through the power of pizza

Barefoot and SWGfL are excited to announce a new resource, Pizza Party! Created for pupils aged 9-11, it brings data collection and…

1 May 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Inspiring young people to think critically about pornography, healthy relationships and body image online

Kate Edwards, a former teacher and current Education and Safeguarding Manager at UKSIC Partner Childnet, looks at our brand new resource for 11-14s, targeting…

26 April 2019 Helen Cole

ICO's Age Appropriate Design Code

Last week the ICO released their draft code: Age appropriate design: A code of practice for online services. UKSIC and…

25 April 2019 Becca Cawthorne

A parent’s guide to Apex Legends

In this blog we are giving guidance to parents and carers about Apex Legends looking at what the game is…

24 April 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

Where there is demand, there will always be supply. We want to tackle that demand.

The IWF launches its Annual Report 2018 and calls for all the partners who work in this space to get together to run…

18 April 2019 Helen Cole

SELMA – Exploring the consequences of online hate speech

SELMA is a project co-funded by the European Commission which aims to tackle the problem of online hate speech by…

15 April 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Young people give their experiences of online consent.

Safer Internet Day 2019 centred around the theme of consent online, so we asked the Youth Advisory Board for their experiences of…

15 April 2019 Helen Cole

Young people tell us parental confidence in online safeguards might be misguided

With a focus on families, our latest report explores the use of technology in the home and compares the perspectives…

11 April 2019 Helen Cole

Young people across Europe come together to end peer-based sexual harassment online

Today Childnet is hosting a Europe-wide event to launch its brand new educational resources that help young people tackle online sexual…

9 April 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Safer Internet Day 2019 reaches more children and young people than ever before!

With over 2,100 organisations across the UK coming together and planning activities to celebrate the day and thousands supporting the #SaferInternetDay social media campaign, this year Safer Internet Day…