UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

30 July 2019 UK SIC

Online friendships and World Friendship Day 2019

World Friendship Day is a day to celebrate and reflect on our meaningful relationships, but what do good online friendships look…

26 July 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Looking at Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes: new research highlights

The UKCCIS Evidence Group has published its latest Research Highlight, the 143rd and 144th in the series. 

23 July 2019 UK SIC

Help keep your children happy and safe online this summer holiday

Children and young people across the UK are getting ready to have more free time to spend with friends and…

18 July 2019 Louiza Youlzari

The UK Safer Internet Centre Family Summer Challenge

The UK Safer Internet Centre has summer activity suggestions for your family (for all ages) along 6 themes – one for…

17 July 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

Celebrating the people that make IWF great – Lillian: I still see some of the same images I did 10 years ago

“Why on earth would you want to do that for a living?!” That was what Lillian’s brother said to her…

16 July 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

IWF’s #SoSockingSimple wins ISPA best PR campaign

A ground-breaking campaign which encourages young men to report sexual images and videos of under 18s they stumble across online…

12 July 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

Celebrating the people that make IWF great

The Internet Watch Foundation, a partner in the UK safer Internet Centre, will, over the course of this summer, publish a…

10 July 2019 Becca Cawthorne

UKSIC response to the Online Harms White Paper

Earlier this year the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Home Office published the Online Harms…

8 July 2019 Becca Cawthorne

A parent and carer's Guide to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Three years after Pokémon Go was released in the UK, the game’s creators have released a new game set in the magical…

2 July 2019 Becca Cawthorne

The 2019 Childnet Film Competition is today!

Today is the Childnet Film Competition finalists’ event! This is where we will be celebrating the amazing work of the competition finalists…

28 June 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Can empathy be taught?

SWGfL, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, are part of the European SELMA project: hacking hate online. In this article the…

21 June 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Meet the 2019 Childnet Film Competition Finalists!

After reviewing entries from each country in the UK, we are delighted to announce the six finalists for the 10th annual Childnet Film…