Safer Internet Days
Safer Internet Day 2021 Top Tips for 7-11s
Have a look at the tips and links below with some suggestions on how to get you started and help…
Safer Internet Day 2021 Top Tips for use with 3-7s
Have a look at the tips and links below with some suggestions on how to get you started and help…
Safer Internet Day 2021 Top Tips
Make the most out of your time online by taking a look at these top tips this Safer Internet Day.
Films for parents and carers
In these films young people share what parents and carers can do to help with trust online.
Films for 11-18 year olds
Films aimed at children and young people aged 11-18 exploring what we can trust on the internet as part of…
Films for 5-11 year olds
Films aimed at children and young people aged 5 – 11 exploring what we can trust on the internet as…
Safer Internet Day 2021 films
A collection of short films exploring trust and reliability online for our Safer Internet Day 2021 campaign.
#AnInternetWeTrust on social media
What do the young people you work with feel they can do to create #AnInternetWeTrust?
I am a parent or carer
Use these free resources to talk to your child about online safety this Safer Internet Day.
Guidance for educators
We have created a range of supporting resources to help teachers and educators celebrate Safer Internet Day.
For work with 14-18s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 14-18 year olds.
For work with 11-14s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 11-14 year olds.