Safer Internet Days
Things to share on social media
Why not share these messages with your followers and friends on social media to help us to promote #SaferInternetDay:
Safer Internet Day 2020 Supporters
See the organisations across the UK helping to deliver activities for Safer Internet Day 2020.
#freetobe on social media
Lets create an internet where we are #freetobe
Film – How can parents talk to children about their online lives?
We ask young people to give their advice for parents and carers who want to talk to their children about…
Film – Are you #freetobe yourself online?
Young people share insights around two key questions around online identity: ‘Are people free to be who they are online?’…
Film – What does my avatar say about me?
A short film about how we choose to represent ourselves online for use with young people aged between 5 and…
For you as an educator
To help you deliver the educational resources in your school.
For work with 14-18s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions with 14-18 year olds.
For work with 11-14s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions with 11-14s year olds.
For work with 7-11s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions with 7-11 year olds
For work with 3-7s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions with 3-7 year olds.