UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

6 September 2016 UK SIC

2015 SID TV

TV programmes about online kindness created for young people by the UK Safer Internet Centre.

6 September 2016 UK SIC


6 September 2016 UK SIC


6 September 2016 UK SIC

When does online hate become a crime?

Steve Shepherd, a police officer, tells us more about when online hate becomes a crime and what young people can…

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Liv's Story

Liv shares her story about her positive and negative experiences on the internet due to her disability.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Julie from Facebook on Safety and Reporting

Julie from Facebook talks about when comments on Facebook break the community standards, what happens when you report a hateful comment…

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Tamanna's Story

Tamara, a young campaigner on issues like racism, bullying and discrimination online, tells her story.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Jessica's Wish – a poem for Safer Internet Day 2016

A poem from the UK Safer Internet Centre about celebrating our differences and how these differences make the world wonderful.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Molly and Harvey discuss rules for being kind online

Molly and Harvey have a discussions about what their own rules are for being kind online.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Young People Pledge to Play their Part

The young people from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School pledge to play their part in making the internet a better and kinder place.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Jessica's Wish – an animation for Safer Internet Day by Jude

A film created by an 11 year old animator using the UK Safer Internet Centre’s poem ‘Jessica’s Wish’.

6 September 2016 UK SIC

Molly and Harvey on Blocking and Reporting

Molly Rainford and Harvey Cantwell have a discussion about reporting and blocking hateful or unkind content online.