UK Safer Internet Centre Blog
Latest research shows young people feel pressured into sharing nudes
SWGfL has published new research into sexting behaviour among young people.
BBC journalists will educate young people about fake news
The BBC is launching a new programme supporting secondary school pupils to identify real news and filter out fake or…
New research into sexual harassment of young people on the internet
Today Childnet, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, published the findings from their Europe-wide project deSHAME. These findings show that…
The #SID2018 social media campaign
The social media campaign trended throughout the day on 6th February 2018 to celebrate Safer Internet Day.
Almost 2 in 5 young people have seen fake news online
Ofcom have released the findings from their 2017 Children’s media use and attitudes report, which focuses on children’s behaviour online and the way in…
Things to consider when buying tech gifts this Christmas
This blog contains advice for parents and carers to help them get to grips with the safety features available on…
On the road again: on tour with SID TV
As preparations for Safer Internet Day 2018 ramp, the team at SWGfL has been working hard, becoming script writers, producers, runners and location fixers to create…
Consultation for teachers about PSHE and RSE in a digital age
Teachers around the UK are invited to take part in a consultation to shape PSHE and RSE education in schools
6 Tips for having a conversation with your child about cyberbullying
As Anti-Bullying Week comes to a close it is important to continue the conversations and messages that were highlighted during…
Stop Speak Support when you see online bullying
New video from the Royal Foundation’s Taskforce gives young people three steps to take when they witness cyberbullying.
Advice for Professionals this Anti-Bullying Week
Kat Tremlett, a practitioner on the Professionals Online Safety Helpline, gives her advice for professionals who are concerned about cyberbullying this…
Online reputation – taking care of your digital footprint, advice for young people
From applying to universities to getting a job, it’s important to have a positive digital footprint.