UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

7 November 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Delete or Deactivate – What to do with your old accounts

This blog gives site specific guidance about how to deactivate or delete your accounts, and what these options mean.

3 November 2017 Becca Cawthorne

SWGfL shortlisted for BETT Award

SWGfL, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, has been shortlisted as a BETT Awards 2018 finalist

3 November 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Internet Watch Foundation’s ‘Game On’ workshops with Everton FC nominated for three awards

The Internet Watch Foundation, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, could win three awards in November for their campaign…

2 November 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Safer Internet Day 2017 Impact Report published

Safer Internet Day 2017 reached more people than ever before, with 3 million children and 2 million parents hearing about…

31 October 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Gaming – resources for parents and carers

From privacy to parental controls – resources for parents and carers who want to know more about gaming.

30 October 2017 UK SIC

Impact of Safer Internet Day 2017

Safer Internet Day reached more children, young people, parents and carers than ever before. Read our impact report to find…

27 October 2017 Andy Robinson

Sign up for our SID 2018 regional stakeholder events

As we prepare for Safer Internet Day 2018, we are hosting a number of regional events for organisations who want to take part…

26 October 2017 Becca Cawthorne

The Safer Internet Day 2018 Supporters List is Live

Every Safer Internet Day hundreds of organisations across the UK join the supporters list to share what they are doing to support the…

24 October 2017 Andy Robinson

Professionals Online Safety update: July – September 2017

The third quarter of the year usually sees a slight dip in calls to the POSH Helpline due to the summer…

19 October 2017 Andy Robinson

Advice for professionals about the so-called '48 hour missing challenge'

Advice for professionals concerned about media reports of the latest social media challenge.

18 October 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Polls and voting in Instagram Stories

Instagram has unveiled its latest update to Stories. Users can now share polls to measure the opinions of their followers…

17 October 2017 UK SIC

Childnet Digital Leaders mark the launch of Facebook partnership at 'House of Us' event

The ’House of Us’ event in London is a two-day immersive online safety exhibition showcasing youth voice online as well…