UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

13 September 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Save the date: Safer Internet Day 2020

Safer Internet Day will be celebrated globally on the 11th February 2020!

5 September 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Help us spread the word

You can help Safer Internet Day to reach even more people!

4 September 2019 Becca Cawthorne

About Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day aims to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. 

30 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Get back to school ready with our updated resources

As the start of term grows ever closer, we look at some of the free resources available to help you…

29 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

IWF Deputy CEO Fred Langford awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his child protection work

Fred Langford, one of the founding Directors of the UK Safer Internet Centre, honoured for his child protection and cybersecurity…

23 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Join the Childnet Youth Advisory board

Launching in 2019, the new Childnet Youth Advisory Board will be working on the expansion of Project deSHAME. The Youth Advisory Board will be helping…

15 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Add some colour to your classroom with our free online safety posters

To help you add some colour to your classroom in 2019 we have created some free posters which cover key online safety…

13 August 2019 Josh Thomas

Celebrating the people that make IWF great – Rosa: Each day I work as an analyst I question how people are so determined to abuse, coerce and exploit children

This blog contains content of a sensitive nature and addresses the issue of the sexual abuse of children.

9 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

How much screen time is okay for my child?

At Childnet we regularly visit schools across the UK and are often asked by parents and carers about screen time…

6 August 2019 Josh Thomas

Celebrating the people that make IWF great – Joe: It’s not something people like to talk about in a social setting

It’s one of the most common questions people use to start a conversation. “So, what is it that do you…

2 August 2019 Angela Munoz Aroca

Celebrating the people that make IWF great – Pip: The children we see have been robbed of their right to an innocent childhood – we never forget that

Quality assurance is naturally important to all organisations, but at the IWF, a partner in the UKSIC, it’s vital –…

2 August 2019 Becca Cawthorne

Answering parents most frequently asked questions about Instagram

Instagram is a site that we see a lot of parents and carers asking questions about, whether these are about…