UK Safer Internet Centre Blog
UK’s internet guardian ‘sets standard’ for hotlines worldwide
The IWF team, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, has won praise for its ‘good practice’ from INHOPE,…
Bullying; it’s emotional, man
We often ask children and young people to “Stand up to Bullying!” but seldom equip them to do so. The…
Anti-bullying week 2018 – get involved today
Anti-Bullying Week is taking place this week, running from the 12th – 16th November.
UK Safer Internet Centre Respond to Department for Education Consultation on Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education
The UK Safer Internet Centre responds to the Department for Education’s consultation on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and…
New resources for 3-18 year olds looking at consent online for Safer Internet Day!
The UK Safer Internet Centre has created a range of new educational resources to support educators for Safer Internet Day…
#SaferInternetDay2019 on social media
Each Safer Internet Day organisations, schools, police forces, and individuals get involved on social media to help us spread the word. You…
UKSIC partners announced as members of the UKCIS board
Last week the Government announced the full list of organisations that will sit on the Executive Board of the UK Council for…
Understanding Consent in a Digital World
This Safer Internet Day we are exploring the theme of consent online, with the theme: Our Internet, Our Choice: Understanding Consent in…
About Safer Internet Day 2019
The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
Education Pack for Teachers and Educators
A range of supporting resources to help teachers and educators deliver activities for Safer Internet Day 2019.
Activities for Parents and Carers
A range of resources for parents and carers to help them celebrate Safer Internet Day 2019 with their families.
Education Pack for 14-18s
A range of resources to help you deliver activities for 14-18 year olds for Safer Internet Day 2019.