UK Safer Internet Centre Blog

5 February 2017 UK SIC


Young people explore the brief ‘Be the Change’ to educate others using the power of emojis. 

5 February 2017 UK SIC


Young people explore the brief ‘Be the Change’ to educate others using the power of emojis. 

5 February 2017 UK SIC


Young people explore the brief ‘Be the Change’ to educate others using the power of emojis. 

5 February 2017 UK SIC


Young people explore the brief ‘Be the Change’ to educate others using the power of emojis. 

4 February 2017 UK SIC

Report it, don’t ignore it

IWF, partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, shares how together we can end child sexual abuse imagery online.

4 February 2017 UK SIC

Power of Image Report

A survey of 1,500 young people aged 8-17 years reveals the role and influence of images and videos in young people’s…

4 February 2017 UK SIC

Safer Internet Day 2017 Press Release

Safer Internet Day 2017 showcases the power of image in today’s digital youth culture. Research by UK Safer Internet Centre…

3 February 2017 Becca Cawthorne

How to engage young people when teaching online safety

Ellie Proffitt from Childnet International offers her advice for teachers wanting to engage young people in online safety.

3 February 2017 Becca Cawthorne


3 February 2017 Becca Cawthorne


In the ninth photo of the series, young people explore the brief ‘Look outside the frame’ to question if we can ever know what’s…

3 February 2017 Becca Cawthorne


In the eighth photo of the series, young people explore the brief ‘Look outside the frame’ to question if we can ever know what’s happening without…

3 February 2017 Becca Cawthorne


Emma Ascroft, Senior Director, Public Policy, Yahoo