UK Safer Internet Centre Blog
IWF data shows 20,000 webpages included coerced ‘self-generated’ sexual abuse imagery of 7- to 10-year-olds in first half of 2022
When compared to the first half of 2020, the increase in this type of content depicting 7–10-year-olds children is of…
Online Safety Live Events Available for September
We have new online safety live events taking place over September. Find out when an event is happening and book…
Milestone Reached by ProjectEVOLVE!
ProjectEVOLVE, has reached a groundbreaking milestone of 10,000 accounts. Read more about its impact and why the toolkit is so…
Twitter Spaces – A guide for Professionals, Parents and Carers
Discover more about Twitter Spaces and what considerations there are for professionals, parents and carers.
BeReal – A guide for parents and carers to the new social media app
Have you heard of the all new social media app, BeReal?
New think tank report aimed at ‘turning tide of online child sexual abuse’ draws on IWF data
The Police Foundation has published a new report, focusing on what can be done to “turn the tide” on online…
SWGfL launching ‘tech for good’ platform for victims of online abuse
SWGfL is launching a ground breaking tech driven platform Minerva, making it easier for victims of online abuse to get…
What is Skin Gambling in Gaming?
Find out in this article about what skin gambling is and ways you can help support children and young people…
Moat Farm and Super 8 among big winners of Childnet Film Competition
The Childnet Film Competition 2022 has reached an exciting conclusion, with the finalists and winners announced!
Revenge Porn Helpline Launches Campaign in Scotland to Support Adults Experiencing Intimate Image Abuse
As part of a new campaign for Scotland, the Revenge Porn Helpline, operated by SWGfL, is urging any adult (aged…
TikTok launch new screen time tools
TikTok is a social networking app that users of age 13 and above use to share short videos of a huge…
New Social Media Hub Launched on SWGfL
SWGfL have launched a brand new social media hub that offers guidance and resources for professionals working with children and…